What is
One Fixed Fee?
Whether your rental income is $500 or $1500 per week, makes no difference to our service. Or our pricing.
Consistently top-class property management and no extra dollars in between tenancies – because that’s what landlords deserve. Just a fixed fee with value that’s easy to understand.
Our landlords absolutely love the simplicity.
Try our One Fixed Fee calculator below to see the savings for landlords. It’s that simple!
CVue Calculator
Enter your estimated weekly rental income to see your savings
Compare the savings
Monthly Yearly
One Fixed Fee
$ 395 One Fixed Fee
$ 4740
$ 395 One Fixed Fee
$ 4740
One Fixed Fee financially works best for properties priced above $600 per week.
If your property is priced below $600 per week, please get in touch with Honor to discuss how we can find a fee that suits you best
- Digital advertising
- Social media marketing
- Professional photography
- For Lease sign board
- Letting fee
- Management fee
- Ingoing report
- Inventory report
- Routine inspection
- Outgoing report
- Lease renewal
- End of year statement
- Postage & petties
- Landlord portal access
Our landlord’s portal is your one-stop-shop
- Lease agreements
- Paid and arrears sums
- Rental income per property
- Inspection reports
- Managing authorities
- All maintenance jobs
- Monthly statements
- Bills paid
- Financial snapshots
- Key scanning & tagging
- Works on all devices